Why are so many bad leaders promoted?

Viewed in McKinsey

In the McKinsey Talks Talent podcast, Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic discusses why many incompetent leaders rise to top positions and what can be done to select better leaders. Here are the key insights for CEOs:

Misguided leadership selection

Narcissism, overconfidence, and low emotional intelligence (EQ) often propel individuals into leadership roles, despite these traits being detrimental to effective leadership.

This misalignment between the qualities that get people promoted and those that make great leaders is a pervasive issue.

Gender and leadership

Chamorro-Premuzic’s research reveals that gender significantly influences leadership selection. Men are often chosen for leadership roles not based on merit but due to overconfidence and narcissistic traits.

This results in a higher presence of incompetent leaders who fail to add value to their organizations. Competent men and women, who possess empathy, self-awareness, integrity, and humility, are often overlooked.

Impact on organizations

Bad leadership affects everyone, including men. Effective leaders, regardless of gender, benefit organizations by enhancing productivity, engagement, and reducing antisocial behavior.

The current system rewards traits that lead to individual success but harm the organization, creating a need for a shift towards meritocratic selection based on talent and potential.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Higher EQ is critical for effective leadership. Leaders with high EQ manage themselves well, connect with others on a human level, and foster a positive work environment.

However, such leaders are often perceived as less charismatic or exciting, leading to their underrepresentation in top positions.

Solutions for better leadership selection
  • Meritocratic Selection: Focus on selecting leaders based on talent and potential rather than gender or traditional credentials.
  • Assessment and Metrics: Implement evidence-based assessments to measure leadership qualities like empathy, integrity, and self-awareness.
  • Leverage AI: Use AI to identify and mitigate biases in leadership selection, focusing on interpersonal skills and potential rather than overconfidence and charisma.

CEOs should prioritize selecting leaders with the right competencies, emotional intelligence, and integrity to ensure organizational success.

By adopting a more meritocratic approach, organizations can cultivate better leaders who drive productivity and positive outcomes.

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