Unleashing the power of CMOs: A new era in B2B marketing

Viewed in Egon Zehnder The article by Egon Zehnder delves into the evolving role of Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) in Business-to-Business (B2B) contexts and the strategies they employ to drive success. The article highlights the transformation of B2B marketing from a support function to a strategic driver of growth. CMOs are playing a pivotal role… More


Deliberately Underselling as Sales Strategy

Viewed in Tomasz Tunguz For any ambitious sales executive, the temptation might always prove too irresistible: Hype their product or service, exaggerating it beyond reasonable expectations, to be sure a sale is secured. If this extra hype actually helps secure the sale, what’s so wrong with that? Hype pitfalls In this article, venture capitalist Tomasz… More


The Evolving State of Digital Transformation

Viewed in BCG The COVID-19 pandemic is increasing companies’ urgency with digital transformation, management consulting firm BCG contends in this research report. 80% of companies accelerate their digital transformation In a survey of 825 board members, CEOs, chief experience officers, and other executives across eight industries, BCG found that 80 percent of their respondents intend… More