CEO expiration date: knowing when to say goodbye

Viewed in Fortune Determining the right time for a CEO to step down is a complex challenge for corporate America. While examples like Warren Buffett’s 54-year tenure at Berkshire Hathaway show long-term success, others like Fred Kindle’s brief but impactful three-year stint at ABB illustrate the opposite. On average, CEOs in the S&P 500 serve… More


The shifting role of chief marketing officers in Fortune 500

Viewed in Fortune Fortune 500 corporations are currently navigating a significant paradigm shift as the traditional prominence of Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) in the C-suite undergoes a reevaluation. Cost-cutting Recent developments underscore a growing trend among companies, driven by financial challenges and cost-cutting imperatives, to eliminate standalone CMO positions. Pioneers in this approach include United… More


The top 50 firms consolidate their grip on the U.S. Economy

Viewed in Fortune According to the authors, the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list have significantly increased their grip on the U.S. economy, consolidating their share of profits over the years. These 50 firms, predominantly from the technology and financial sectors, have witnessed substantial growth and profitability, outpacing smaller competitors. 90% of the… More


14 CEOs on how to reopen businesses in the coronavirus economy

Viewed in Fortune. The coronavirus pandemic has inflicted vast damage on the global economy. Equally concerning, if history is any guide, this damage is not over yet. During the Spanish flu of 1918, for instance, it was the second wave of infections that ultimately proved the most deadly and damaging. This history has given rise… More