Why are so many bad leaders promoted?

Viewed in McKinsey In the McKinsey Talks Talent podcast, Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic discusses why many incompetent leaders rise to top positions and what can be done to select better leaders. Here are the key insights for CEOs: Misguided leadership selection Narcissism, overconfidence, and low emotional intelligence (EQ) often propel individuals into leadership roles, despite these… More


Unlocking organizational health is your blueprint for success

Viewed in McKinsey Out of the last 15 years, companies have never shaken up their organizational charts as much as they did in 2023, as our data clearly shows. Does this revelation surprise us? Not really. For the authors, Alex Camp, Arne Gast, Drew Goldstein, and Brooke Weddle at McKinsey, it’s a telling sign of… More


Demystifying the roles of CIO and CTO

Viewed in McKinsey In today’s fast-paced business world, the roles of a Chief Information Officer (CIO) and a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) play a crucial role in driving organizational success. These positions hold distinct responsibilities that contribute to a company’s competitiveness and growth in the ever-evolving technological landscape. Mastermind overseeing information and knowledge systems The… More


CHROs: The driving force behind HR evolution

Viewed in McKinsey The role of the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) is going through significant changes, driven by the evolving needs of the workforce and advancements in technology. Instead of sticking to the traditional HR model, CHROs are now embracing five emerging HR operating models that offer more flexibility. These models include: Ulrich-plus model:… More


CEOs and CMOs: The partnership for growth

Viewed in McKinsey Amid a challenging economic environment and rapid changes, CEOs are seeking avenues for growth, and an effective partnership with their Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) can be the key. To understand the dynamics within high-growth and low-growth companies, a survey and interviews with C-level growth roles (including CMOs) and CEOs from various industries… More


Build a robust CEO transition plan

Viewed in McKinsey Effective CEO transitions play a critical role in maintaining organizational stability, driving performance, and shaping the company’s long-term success. This McKinsey article outlines a five-step approach for successful CEO transitions: Proactive planning: Boards should establish a formal succession planning process and regularly review potential internal and external candidates. By identifying and developing… More


Five ways to maximize your board’s impact

Viewed in McKinsey The McKinsey article provides valuable insights on how boards of directors can enhance their effectiveness and create a lasting positive impact on the organizations they govern. Often, boards are preoccupied with short-term performance, but to create sustainable value, they must focus on the organization’s long-term health and resilience. To increase their long-term… More


Your middle managers are an underutilized resource

Viewed in McKinsey The article argues that middle managers are often an underutilized resource in organizations and suggests ways to better leverage their skills and expertise. The authors suggest that middle managers should be given more autonomy and decision-making power, as well as opportunities for leadership development and coaching. Additionally, the article advocates for clearer… More


Addressing employee burnout: Are you solving the right problem?

Viewed in McKinsey Health Institute Global corporate workplaces face something of a crisis as it relates to mental health and work burnout. That is the bad news. The good news: Employees increasingly recognize the problem and are seeking solutions, and employers have responded with an unprecedented level of financial commitments to identifying programmatic and other… More


Data ethics: What it means and what it takes

Viewed in McKinsey Digital Management consulting giant McKinsey, founded in 1926, has nearly unmatched access to the world’s largest companies and their executives. To their credit, they also routinely solicit the views of these companies and executives— and then share these perspectives with those seeking to address current opportunities or challenges in their own industries… More


A playbook for newly minted private equity portfolio-company CEOs

Viewed in McKinsey & Company The role of a chief executive officer in the 21st century is a challenging one. Looking for something even more challenging? That likely would be serving as a CEO for a private equity-owned portfolio company. More private equity-owned companies With private equity’s growing prevalence in corporate ownership, it is a… More


It’s time for leaders to get real about hybrid

Viewed in McKinsey & Company We most definitely are in era where the idea of “reimagining things” has gained hold. Reimagining That includes, as this report by management consultant giant McKinsey contends, the way we work. There is, as McKinsey documents, historical precedent for these evolutions of this nature. “In the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution… More


What 800 executives envision for the postpandemic workforce

Viewed in McKinsey When the pandemic first emerged earlier this year, businesses largely prepared for what was thought to be, at first, a multi-week disruption. That quickly became a multi-month disruption. And then finally as summer arrived, it was clear that predictions that rising temperatures would bring it to an end were inaccurate. The precise… More


The changeable organization

Viewed on McKinsey. When a company is underperforming, or identifies substantial opportunities for growth in ways outside of its traditional models, decisions are sometimes made to transform an entire organization around new goals. To be sure, such an approach is not to be taken lightly, and it is a holistic organizational undertaking. In “The Changeable… More


Making time management the organization’s priority

Viewed in McKinsey Quarterly. When companies face major strategic initiative and projects, it can be tempting to assign them to a high-performing executive. But this temptation overlooks the reality that such executives are already stretched thin on their existing time commitments.  This McKinsey Quarterly article argues that companies need to do a vastly better job… More