93% of the most popular companies use Twitter.

We also looked at how the 1,000 most popular companies on the planet are using their primary Twitter account (many of them have multiple accounts).

How Companies use Twitter

93% of the top 1000 companiesTop 1000 Companies - Continent - The Official Board - Jan 2014
have at least one public Twitter account.
• Their highest share by continent is in the US and in Africa.
• Their highest share by industry is in transportation and high tech.

20% of the top 1000 companiesTop 1000 Companies - 100k+ followers - Continent - The Official Board - Jan 2014
have more than 100,000 followers
• Their highest share by continent is in the US and in Asia.
• Their highest share by industry is in Media and Transportation.
• YouTube is #1 with 38M followers.

Top 1000 Companies - 100k+ followers - Industry - The Official Board - Jan 2014
Twitter is very present in the 1,000 most popular companies across all the industries and all the countries. The participating companies have on average 300,000 followers, showing that they have successfully invested their resources in this model.


• Tweet the most popular companies now!
• Test also your knowledge on how the top 1,000 executives use Twitter.
• Our data was collected and analyzed in late January 2014. Please contact me to get more details on our methodology.

About Thomas Lot

Thomas Lot is the CEO & Founder of The Official Board. In his own executive roles as head of Apple Europe's retail team and then VP of Amazon Europe, Thomas enjoyed the value of executive networking and recognized the need for clear company org. charts. Now, with the org charts of all the medium & large companies displayed on The Official Board, many more executives can benefit. Please [email protected].