Capgemini Belgium


Capgemini Belgium is owned by Capgemini.

Capgemini is one of the...

Capgemini is a company listed under the stock ticker CAP (FR).

Capgemini has a direct presence in 28 countries.

Capgemini has 52 subsidiaries including Capgemini Americas, Capgemini ANZ and Capgemini APAC.

They are in:


View the org chart displaying its 2 main executives

Most searched biographies at Capgemini Belgium
Popular executive movements at Capgemini Belgium
  • Christelle Roux, who was Chief Operating Officer, is promoted to Vice President and Managing Director  (posted on February 4 2024).
  • Kris Pote, Vice President, has left the company  (posted on October 18 2023).
Popular executive movements at Capgemini
  • Christophe Vignaux has joined the company as Director  (posted on May 20 2024).
  • Lucia Sinapi-Thomas, Director, Employee Representative, has left the company  (posted on May 20 2024).
  • Carole Ferrand, Member of the Executive Board, Chief Financial Officer, will leave the company on Dec. 31, 2023  (posted on December 1 2023).

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