RT Specialty


RT Specialty is owned by Ryan Specialty Group.

Ryan Specialty Group is one of the...

Ryan Specialty Group is a company listed under the stock ticker RYAN (US).

Ryan Specialty Group has a direct presence in 3 countries.

Ryan Specialty Group has 20 subsidiaries including Atlantic Specialty Lines, EmergIn Risk and Geneva Re.

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View the org chart displaying its 57 main executives

Most searched biographies at RT Specialty
Popular executive movements at RT Specialty
  • Rob Polansky, who was Executive Vice President and Executive Director of Aquisitions, Binding Authority, is promoted to President of Field Operations, Binding Authority  (posted on May 23 2024).
  • Jason Murrey, who was Senior Director, is promoted to President of Commercial Lines, Binding Authority  (posted on April 29 2024).
  • Jessalynn Suda has joined the company as Underwriting Director  (posted on November 17 2023).
Popular executive movements at Ryan Specialty Group
  • Timothy Turner who is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, RT Specialty and Director, will be promoted to Chief Executive Officer on Oct. 1, 2024  (posted on July 2 2024).
  • Patrick Ryan who is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, will become Executive Chairman of the Board on Oct. 1, 2024  (posted on July 2 2024).
  • Jeremiah Bickham who is Chief Financial Officer and Head of Corporate Development, will be promoted to President of Ryan Specialty on Oct. 1, 2024  (posted on July 2 2024).

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